Corralejo - currency

Correlejo is on the northern tip of Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands and its currency is the euro like the rest of Spain. This popular town has lots of restaurants, shops, beach cafés and water sports activities where you’ll need euros to get by.

Both ATMs and foreign exchange outlets can be found in Correlejo but we recommend getting your euros before you leave the UK. You can often find a much more favourable exchange rate at home, and your bank might charge you for using an ATM abroad.

Bank cards or cash?

Most shops, restaurants and supermarkets will allow you to pay by card if you have a Visa or a MasterCard. However, your bank might not give you a good exchange rate and often charge a non-sterling transaction fee. Smaller vendors like food stalls and souvenir shops might also prefer cash or might not accept card at all.

It’s a great idea to take a range of euro notes with you to Fuerteventura and euro cash is the best currency for Correlejo. Taking notes in €10 and €20 denominations is usually the best idea as these sizes can be used anywhere. Once you’re out and about in Correlejo you’ll soon have some smaller change in coins which is great for things like postcards and bus tickets.

Get your euros in the UK

Getting your euro currency for Correlejo before you leave the UK means that you can start using it the moment you land in Fuerteventura. With hot weather all year round, you might just need an ice cream before leaving the airport!

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